Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Cerro Castillo

After an arduous adventure to Cohaique, Alex and I found a stellar campsite just outside of town complete with cooking hut, aguas caliente and a babbling brook. We parked ourselves here for a couple of days as we needed to prepare for a 4 day hike through Cerro Castillo.

Up until Cohaique most of Patagonia seemed to be made up of either mountains or desert. Cohaique seems to be the agricultural hub of Patagonia - and as we passed advertisements for milk and feed, I kept my eyes open for an Alta Genetics sign hoping I would catch a glimpse of my sister´s work place (Sorry lyns no go).

Cohaique was the biggest town we had seen in some time. I felt very out of place without a pair of apple bottom jeans and high heal wedges. I only brought the bare minimum when it came to clothing. One pair of pants (the ultra stylish kind that zip off into shorts ... hence one pair of shorts), two long sleeves, a puff jacket, a fleece, three tank tops and a few necessary undergarments. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would acquire a hankering for a pair of jeggings.... but I did. My only reason for not purchasing a pair? I didn´t want to carry the extra weight of my hiking pants - because I would obviously always be wearing the jeggings.

To take my mind off this material longing, Alex and I started planning our hike. Over the couple of days we tested our team dynamics- our only flaw being the lack of ability to cope without being consistently fed. Many a bags of chips were crushed in haste upon arriving to a market in order to balance our blood sugar levels.

Eventually we managed to get everything sorted and we headed into the Cerro Castillo Reserve in the back of a taxi full of helpful Chileans and a boat load of fruit.

At a beloved cafe - where we overstayed our welcome numerous times for the internet.

At our campsite. 

Beginning of the hike - small taste of home. 

A delightful yet dangerous addiction to dolce... the serious blood sugar crash within 15 minutes of ingesting never disuaded me. 

Second day in.

Team photo at a bombin glacier. 

From our campsite the second night. 

After a climb. 

Always worth the view. 

View from our final campsite. PIMP! 

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