Monday, September 23, 2013

Wolves and Killer Whales

... now I didn't get to see either of the two. There aren't any wolves in Haida Gwaii and the killer whales teasingly appeared whenever I wasn't around. Alas, I'll have to return to Haida Gwaii and chase them down another time in hopes of a graceful and gentle encounter... after many of the stories from this past summer, I realize whales aren't as friendly and cuddly as once perceived.

So, I will share my adventures from the last month in Haida Gwaii. August was packed. I returned home for a dear friend's wedding for two weeks and once back in HG the festivities began. Edge of the World Music Fest ran into a five day paddling trip to the Gwaii Haanas. I was honored with the opportunity to witness the first totem pole raising in about 130 years in Gwaii Haanas. A group of 11 of us paddled for five days down to windy bay in order to catch the event. The spirit among the crowd was contagious and uniting. We ate delicious foods, listened to speeches of history and pride, then we pulled on the tow lines together to help raise the pole after a ceremonial blessing. Once the crowds dispersed, a feeling of humility settled while the pole watched over us as we slept.

The couple of weeks after the pole raising flew by. In between stressing about another big move across the country, I tried to appreciate everyone and everything about where I was living. The weekend before I left a group of us went to an island off the west coast. We paddled for an hour and set up camp for 3 days. Snorkeling, fishing, and ingesting protein were our main daily activities and the seals spied on us as we gathered treasures during our beach combing sessions. It was a highlight of the summer.

Met this little man, newest nephew Elias
She's going to be a feisty artist this gal.
Gwaii Haanas
Lodge in Windy Bay
Less and Tina, part of the kayaking gang
The gang
Setting up camp in Windy Bay
En route with Kevin and Katie!
Lion's head jelly
The paddlers being welcomed in
Diane blessing the pole
Oscar playing his Haida music
And she's up!
The gang
Intertidal zones at Tanu
Gospel Island set up - three days in paradise
Making the feast
Former vegan written all over Charlotte's face
Apparently there's a story about Haida men being created first but there was imbalance so the creator stuck a chow on one of the humans to introduce women. Introducing : chow.
Best interdidal zones. This little pool was slightly larger than a dinner plate.

Bringing home the bacon
Big ol' piece of meat and the leg of a deer.
Kye and Nicole

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