Sunday, July 21, 2013

Down by the bay

 On June 13th I said goodbye to my Yukon family, all belongings packed up in the Taur-star and I ventured south. My final destination was Charlotte, BC – Haida Gwaii. Nick and I planned to live in his cabin on Robertson Island, a small island housing 7 other families off the community of Charlotte. 

I arrived in Charlotte two days of driving and an 8 hour ferry ride later. I drove out to Spruce Point, grabbed a kayak and made my way to the cabin. This would be my first experience living on the ocean. I wasn’t really sure what to expect or what I was going to do with myself for the first week before Nick arrived, but luckily as I kayaked over to the cabin for the first time, our lovely neighbour Sheila yelled out her window “Is that Jayme our new neighbour? Come over for dinner!!” A heck of a great way to start this adventure. Over the first week I fumbled my way around the island trying to keep busy, but not really know yet what to do. Marvin (Sheila’s husband) helped me get set up and told me about some edible berries on the island. I picked berries for 7 days. Marv and Sheila had me over for dinner three times during that first week before Nick arrived. 

Once Nick arrived we were in a race against time to build a greenhouse because his mom had sent him up from Vancouver with a load of preplanted veggie plants that needed to be replanted. We plowed through building and setting up the cabin over the next few weeks. I was the queen of berry gathering by then, Nick started catching crab and he shot a deer. We had our hands full. 

Currently we’ve just about finished the greenhouse. Once the plants were in and the walls were up we took a break, so we’ll be putting the final touches to the roof this week. It was pretty cool to be a part of building something that will feed us for the next two months. My parents also helped out with the green house during their weeklong visit. We ventured around the islands together, but mostly ate a lot of crab. 

I’ve been getting used to island life, loving it really. Nick’s cabin is right on the water. I’ve managed to snag myself a few friends, get out dancing at community dances, surf in Masset, and hiked up sleeping beauty and land a few hogs off the west coast. I'm managing to keep quite busy and social now that I'm settled. This place is heaven.

I haven’t much clever to say for now. Just wanted to give everyone a peak at what I’m doing out here!

Processing berries and sun tanning. View from our front porch

Eagle party in front of the cabin

 Big ol sitka spruce

The beginnings of our greenhouse

North beach outside of Masset for surf and sun

A friend let us stay in their beach shack

Genevieve lives in HG too! She milks goats along with a dozen other activities. Always a riot this lass.

 Toe hill road. I love how the road has to make way for the trees.

Slowly coming together

Catchin hogs and takin names

20 lbs spring, my biggest hog yet.

Many delicious dinners


Keeps on coming

Skidegate days! I was able to race in the Lootas canoe


Diane crushing in the fish filleting competition.

Hiking up sleeping beauty right up to her nose. 

I'm pointing at Robertson in this dorky photo. It's the bigger of the islands off Charlotte.


  1. Great blog Jaymee, you've become quite the Grizzly Adams, love the pics

    Luc Villeneuve

  2. Wow, bringing back such great memories! Thanks jayne. I arrived when I was 26 at midnight in a howling southeaster in an 18 ft sailboat - masset harbour and left 26 years later to later cross paths with you in Whitehorse! Say hi to my sister Di for me and ya, she's the queen fish filetter! Give my love to the islands too! Jude
