Monday, April 29, 2013

Hammocks, mosquitos and sweat - Green team wins

After an 8 hour night bus and a 17 hour night bus, I arrived in Tarapoto. My original plan was to bust to Yurimaguas right away to hop on the first boat possible, but I ended up meeting a fab new crew and stayed in Tarapoto for the night with them. We spent the day searching for hammocks and swimming in waterfalls. 

The following day we got on another bus for 2 hrs and ended up in Yurimaguas … hammocks in hand! Upon arriving to Yurimaguas, we were swarmed by mototaxi drivers. They literally hung off the windows before the bus even stopped. We hopped into a mototaxi and took off for the boat.
Our final destination was Iquitos – and taking a three day cargo ship is the cheapest way to do it (biggest city in the world without road access). The bottom floor of the ship was filled with animals, foods and other random supplies. The top two floors were packed with people in their hammocks. The boat was meant to leave at 5 pm. The time came and went and after a few false promises on departure times, we found out we weren´t going to leave until the following day because the cargo floor didn´t fill up. 

The next four days were comprised of sleeping in your hammock, reading in your hammock, playing cards and drinking Gato from a box. It was quite relaxing. My fav. part was watching the storms roll across the huge amazon sky. 

We arrived in Iquitos with a hankering for anything that wasn´t rice (that´s mostly what we were fed for four days). I had a sore back from too much hammock laying and had quite the experience from the local spa in hopes to relieve my pain. I ended up with bruises on my back and slight burn marks. Another story that I don´t have the energy to write out right now. 

The 5 of us booked a jungle tour from Iquitos. We spent 4 days camping in the jungle. We caught piranas, swam in the same area where we caught the piranas, saw huge spiders, monkeys, river dolphins, snakes and way too many mosquitos. 

It was an amazing adventure, but I was literally itching to get out of the jungle. Turns out I´m fated to live anywhere that doesn´t get nearly that hot.

Tomales - it was a treat when the vendors came on the boat. 

Our boat looked similar to this one. 

Home for four days. 

Red team vs. green team. Green team always wins. 

Bed time! 

Along the amazon

Top floor. 

One of the many villages we passed. 

Iquitos madness. 
Another community. 
Jungle tour time! 
We road on this boat for four days more days. 
My fav. 


Correction : I know yo fadda. 
Rainy season! Last year the river was a meter higher and everyone had to build extra floors in their houses (they´re on stilts). 


Pepe fell in the water ... I hollared because I thought he was dead. Manuel was showing me otherwise. 

 River dolphin! 

This guy wanted in the Hog Club SOOOO bad! 

I am a pirana! 

Watch out night jungle! 

Pretending I´m only nearly as tough as our guides.... except for the anti itch cream hanging out of my top. 
Taking the local transportation for a spin.

This guy couldn´t hack it. Big man in a little boat. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Just a little bit of boulderin´

It was a quick turn over from the 5 day trek to bouldering for a few days. Philipp and I met a couple of lads from the US and India who are climbers. They informed us that there was a great climbing area outside of Huaraz. Sooo the day after returning from the trek, I washed my rank socks and a few pairs of underwear - and we headed off to Hatun Machi.

We both didn´t have a rope or a harness so we spent our time bouldering. The refugio keepers were two fab Americans, Marcie and Alex. Marcie helped me with my first lead climb! I spent three days climbing in the mornings again before the rain came in. During the afternoons we played cards, Risk and guitar beside a wood stove. We hitched back to Huaraz with the craziest Peruvian driver, where Philipp and I said goodbye and I started to venture towards the jungle.  It was a great way to finish my time in the mountains!

Alex taking us out on the first afternoon. 

Learning a bit about the heal hook. 

Bouldering area. 

The boys beside the Rhino. 

Hatun Machai

Philipp crushing



My first lead. 

Rainy afternoons. 

Philipp hell bent on conquering the hammerhead. 

Our refugio keepers! 

And the third refugio keeper. 

Santa Cruz Trek - It was really quite nice!

Before coming to South America, I didn´t have serious sugar cravings. The Henderson´s are known for their ability to track down chocolate, so much so that when my mother and father were dating, my Oma would have to hide the chocolate chip cookies in the drier so that my dad wouldn´t eat them all. Over the past four months, I´ve turned pure Henderson.

While hiking, climbing and exploring, you would think I´d be as fit as a fiddle. This is not the case. If only the ratio of hiking to cookie eating was a little more on par. Unfortunately I think that I´m developing a few cavities and potentially and second chin. These eating habits don´t bode well for one who is apparently ´gluten intolerant´either. The New Zealand couple who I traveled with for some time joked, and said that they hoped I got stuck in a tent with someone who snores and smells on our Salkantay Trek. I hung my head as I replied ´I am that person!´ I´m quite thankful to those who can put up with me J and very much look forward to once again having more control over my diet and my fitness schedule.

For about a week and a half I traveled in and out of Huaraz. Philipp, Francesco, Jana, Lexi and I completed the 5 day Santa Cruz trek. We awoke every morning at 4 30 AM in order to hike before the rain settled in early afternoon. The scenery was amazing, our group was a riot. We ate delicious meals and far too many cookies. 

Starting the hike in a tight canyon. 

One of the beauty lagos. 

We came from behind me. 

The ballin team.

Our first campsite. 

Album cover - where´s Jana ?

Coming from the valley heading towards the pass. 

Over the pass.


Heading to Lagoona 69. 

Where Francesco, Jana and I camped. 

Lagoona 69. 

Lagoona 69

Only three left! 

Team street cred.